

Candidates endorsed by S.T.E.C. have been thoroughly vetted in accordance with our high standards and integrity towards the environment, community, and their civic minded approach towards leadership. All candidates oppose offshore wind, the industrialization of the ocean, and it’s associated degradation to nature and society.

Meet Our Candidates:

Mike is an unapologetic anti-wind, pro-gun, pro-taxpayer, conservative Republican who will stand up against Governor Murphy’s and the Democrats’ increasingly radical agenda in Trenton. Show Mike and his team that he can count on your support today!

Simonsen & McClellan bring their experience as incumbents. They will continue to fight for you to reduce taxes, Spending & Mounting Debt, Rebuild and Revitalize our Small Businesses & Stand with Law Enforcement. And of course their staunch stance against offshore wind gets them STEC approval. Find out what else these two assemblymen have planned in Trenton and how you can support them!

Save the East Coast endorses NJ LD-2 candidates Vince Polistina for Senate and Claire Swift and Don Guardian for Assembly. As vocal opponents of environmentally harmful and costly industrial offshore wind industrialization, Polistina, Swift, and Guardian have already proven effective leaders in Trenton.

With deep roots in Atlantic County, the legislators remain dedicated to helping families, promoting issues that matter including ensuring Safety and Security, lowering Property Taxes, and promoting Job Growth among others.

Save the East Coast looks forward to working with these LD-2 legislators in the ongoing fight against reckless proposals to industrialize our oceans and harm our coastal communities and residents.

Save the East Coast is  very happy to endorse Incumbent Senator Durr  and his team Assemblywoman Bethanne McCarthy Patrick and  Assemblyman Tom Tedesco  in LD-3.  

Senator Edward Durr has been an outspoken opponent of wind farms off the coast of New Jersey since before he was elected to the Senate. As State Senator he introduced a bill that urged an immediate moratorium on sonar testing and wind turbine mapping due to the unexplained deaths of marine life. Senator Durr is on the State Senate Environment and Energy Committee. He is a strong advocate for veterans benefits. He has been a force in pushing legislation that attempts to temper the onslaught of Trenton on restricting our rights and interfering with our life. 

Incumbent Assemblywoman Bethanne McCarthy-Patrick is also an opponent of wind farms. She  helped introduce a bill in the Assembly asking for a moratorium on sonar testing and turbine mapping. The Assemblywoman has years of experience in emergency management as a firefighter and EMT.

Tom Tedesco brings to the table years of experience as a civil engineer serving south Jersey Communities. He has served on the Hopewell Township Committee heading public safety and health issues. Along with Senator Durr, Both Assembly candidates vow to fight offshore wind farms, reduce taxes, improve the plight of veterans and stand with law enforcement.

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse LD4 candidate Del Borrello for NJ senate and his team Walker & Esposito for assembly. A true environmentalist that is against the industrialization of our oceans with the wind turbines. The number one issue in District 4 is the industrialization of our oceans. Even unions are against offshore wind and are supporting our endorsed candidates.

He and his team needs your help. Please use https://www.southjerseychange.com/ to join his team to volunteer to walk with him and his team, make phone calls, or to donate.

They have gone public with the fight against wind and Corruption of The Murphy admisnistartion and legislators: https://www.insidernj.com/…/ld4-gop-challengers…/…

We can win this fight if you, your family, and friends make sure to vote this November. Vote by mail, Vote early or vote on November 7th.

Visit Chris and his running mates’ website to learn more on how you can help.

Save The East Coast endorses NJ District 5 candidates for the upcoming November elections. Everyone asks how can we stop this destruction of our shores. One of the biggest things we can do is make sure we get ourselves and others out to vote for candidates that have pledged to stop this industrialization of our shores.

These three great candidates spoke to us last night about how they will fight for our shores. Future Assemblywomen Yalinda Pagan is a Save the East Coast member that has been teaching others of the harms of this offshore turbine fiasco.

Future Senator Clyde E. Cook is a courageous and incorruptible servant of the people that demands transparency and accountability.

Future Assemblyman Joe Miller’s common sense approach and ability to build rapport will help us stop this. Please make sure to vote and also help out with funding campaign, attending events, and canvassing as much as you can. Every bit helps!



Save The East Coast is happy to endorse candidates for assembly Danielle Barry and Brian McRory from District LD-6. The candidates recognize that offshore wind projects pose a danger to the beauty and complexities of our greatest natural resource, our New Jersey coast.

They believe New Jersey residents share a heartfelt dedication to the protection of vulnerable marine life. The aesthetic appeal of the Jersey shoreline to tourists and residents must be preserved and invested in to maintain its natural treasures. Please vote to elect Danielle Barry and McRory from District LD-6.

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse the entire slate of candidates from NJ LD-9 senate candidate Carmen Amato assembly candidates Brian Rumpf and Greg Myhre.

Carmen Amato served many years as Berkeley Township mayor and has a successful career that beloved by his constituents. He has a great record of achievements for his township. He has been anti-wind very early and one of the signatories of the 30 mayors letter requesting a moratorium of off shore wind work. He has promised to work against the industrialization of our oceans.

Representing LD-9, Assemblyman Rumpf has opposed key legislation enabling offshore wind industrialization. Most recently he voted against the bailout bill that reallocated tax credits from NJ ratepayers to Orsted, the foreign energy giant.

Myhre has served as Stafford Township Mayor since 2019. He has been a vocal opponent of the industrialization of our coastline and has actively demonstrated in grass roots efforts to halt the proposed projects.

Save the East Coast looks forward to working with these LD-9 a candidates in the ongoing fight against reckless proposals to industrialize our oceans and harm our coastal communities and marine life.

Save The East Coast is pleased to endorse an entire slate of candidates for District 10.  Mayor Paul Kanitra has already received our endorsement for his assembly candidacy, based on his avid support and tireless work fighting against the industrialization of our ocean and entire ecosystem.  We only see amazing progress going forward with him in Trenton.

We are pleased to endorse the incumbent Gregory P. McGuckin for assembly.  McGuckin has a long history of public service as a councilman in Toms River and serving in Trenton.  He will be a key ally in taking back our ocean and voice in the legislature.

Senator James W. Holzapfel is a life long resident of the Jersey Shore.  His distinguished public service career makes him a potent defender of constituents’ rights and the rest of the body politic in Trenton.  We expect Senator Holzapfel to lead his fellow legislatures in the fight against the destruction and profiteering of our beloved shore by multi-national and foreign companies.

Save the East Coast is thrilled to endorse Senate candidate Steve Dnistrian NJ LD-11.

Steve is calling for an IMMEDIATE stop on Offshore Wind until independent research can be done. 

He has been avid in public speaking engagements against the industrialization of the ocean and awareness events in Monmouth County and the rest of the state. Steve has shown tremendous character and integrity in giving residents a voice to those who his opponent calls “conspiracy theorists”; for relying on decades old documented evidence regarding acoustic hazards to marine life and other species.   

With common a sense approach and intelligent leadership, Steve plans to restore school funding, support tough on crime policy, fight for parents’ rights, make healthcare more affordable, and reduce taxes. 

Visit Steve’s Website to learn more and how you can support him! 

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse Kim Eulner NJ LD-11 Assemblywomen since 2022. Kim has been actively involved in our anti-wind rallies and has voted against all bills affecting the off shore wind– the home rule bill, the transferring one billion dollar from the ratepayers to a wealthy corporation Orsted and many more.

She is a people’s representative fighting to solve her constituents issues. Kim reduced tax rates, restored state aid taken from Monmouth County schools, drafted legislation to crack down on rising crime, and helped save school-based mental health services. Together with Steve Dnistrian LD-11 Senate candidate they will never stop working for you to bring change to Trenton!

Save the East Coast is proud to endorse Assemblywomen Marilyn Piperno who has represented NJ LD-11 since January of 2022.

Marilyn has spoken out about the destruction that has and will continue concerning Offshore Wind and voted against Bill NJ S3926 “Home rule” that took away your local voice on these projects and Bill NJ 4019 awarding $1 billion in federal tax credits to foreign company Ørsted, originally intended to benefit you!

Marilyn has also worked to increase school funding, a Parent’s Bill of Rights, Universal Pre-K, solutions for rising crime and assistance for our farmers and agricultural industry.

Marilyn’s re-election is crucial! Your voice matters, your VOTE matters!

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse NJ LD-13 legislators Gerry Scharfenberger, Vicky Flynn and Declan O’Scanlon which have led the way in NJ’s opposition to Offshore Wind Industrialization. Sponsoring resolutions to halt offshore wind sonar surveying, participating in rallies against OSW developments and speaking out in opposition to costly legislation to bail out foreign energy companies at NJ residents expense, the candidates earn Save the East Coast’s endorsement in the 2023 general election.

District 13 has already GOT a winning team in Trenton. With redistricting they still need your support to fix Trenton and end the Industrialization of the ocean. See How you can Support:

Vicky Flynn

Declan O’Scanlon

Gerry Scharfenberger

Save The East Coast is proud to endorse Owen Henry for Senate in NJ Legislative District 12. His district includes parts of Burlington, Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. He is currently the Mayor of Old Bridge and he signed a strong letter, with 31 other Mayors and county officials demanding the BPU to give answers on the environmental and economic impacts Offshore wind (OSW) will cause. He has gone on record, in writing, to us his opposition to OSW. “I oppose offshore wind projects as proposed for New Jersey. Orsted, a foreign company, was given both federal and state tax incentives although through their own admission, cannot reach the targeted gigawatt and targeted time frame promulgated by the federal government. Governor Murphy has provided a bailout for this company using ratepayer dollars as Orsted states such subsidies are not sufficient and that canceling the project in its entirety is not off the table. I would halt these projects going forward.”

Save The East Coast is Proud to Endorse Patricia Johnson for Senate and Sky Gilmartin for assembly in District 14.

Patricia Johnson and Skye Gilmartin are great anti-wind candidates and will give you a voice back in Trenton.  

Please donate whatever you can: your vote, your time, or money. If we win the senate and legislation we can stop this. Make sure you send your ballots in and make sure your friends and family also vote for Patricia and Skye. https://patjohnson4nj.com/.

Learn more about Pat and how you can support here!

HEY DISTRICT 15! Roger needs your help to fix your district, Trenton, and the rest of the state. Visit Roger’s website to see how YOU can promote change in government! Support Roger for Senate.

Mike is well versed in politics serving in the past as a US Congressman, administrator for the Small Business Association, and working at the municipal level of government. Learn more about Mike and how you can support him!

Neal Brings Fresh Perspective to New Jersey Politics: From Ohio to the Garden State: Learn more about Neal and How you can Support his Campaign!

Save The East Coast is happy to endorse Maria Garcia for Senate Sam Raval & Marilyn Colon forState Assembly for district 19. The have been early anti-wind supporters and they made it clear that they will stop wind farms if elected: “The NJ Deserves Better team supports a pause on this Ocean Industrialization project. We also oppose the Governor’s tax giveaway to these foreign companies. As Legislators, we will rein in this unaccountable Executive.” Please vote for Maria Garcia for Senate Sam Raval & Marilyn Colon forState Assembly for district 19.

Save The East Coast is proud to endorse senate candidate  Carmen Bucco for NJ District 20. Carmen’s ability to connect with people on a personal level will undoubtedly prove invaluable in negotiating the end of this destructive scam. He is a straight forward personality with a fascinating life story. We need candidates like Carmen that will never hesitate to fight for his constituents. Vote for Carmen Bucco to safeguard our shores and our future.

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse Ramon Hernandez for assembly in NJ LD-20. Ramon has been participating with us in many Rallies against the industrialization of our oceans. His a strong anti-wind candidate and lets help him get elected in LD-20. Join his campaign and you and your family please vote for him in November 7 elections.

If you are looking for genuine representation in Trenton then Ramon is your candidate! Have your voice heard again! Give Ramon your support this election!

Save The East Coast is happy to endorse NJ LD-22 Senate candidate Bill Michelson and Assembly running mates Lisa Fabrizio and Pat Quattrocchi. They are all passionate about the issues that matter to all NJ residents – Parental Rights, Property Taxes and the limitless harms and costs of Offshore Wind Industrialization.

Please support these candidates to win and bring change in Trenton. Join their campaign, donate and vote in november 7 for this team.

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse Parker Space as the senate candidate for the NJ district LD-24. Parker Space was an assemblyman for the last ten years. He is running for the vacated position of Senator Steve Oroho who was the minority leader in the senate until this year. Parker Space has an exceptional record against offshore wind legislation:

–Co-sponsored A181

–Voted against A5651

–Voted Against taking away Home rule

–Voted Against wind ports

–Voted Against BPU OSW regulations

In summary, he has proven to be a great supporter of our movement. Please make sure Parker Space wins on November 7, donate time or money and make sure you, your family and friends all vote for Parker Space.

Senate 2019-present, Republican Leader, 2023-present, Republican Whip 2022-2023

General Assembly 2010-2019, Conference Leader 2017-2019, Republican Whip 2016-2017, Deputy Republican Leader 2012-2016

See How You Can Support Senator Bucco!

Save the East Coast is very happy to endorse Aura Dunn for assembly in District 25. Aura is against the industrialization of our oceans: –Aura co-sponsored ACR181, which calls for an immediate moratorium on sonar testing and wind turbine mapping due to recent unexplained deaths of marine life. —Aura voted against A.5651, twice, as a member of the Assembly Budget Committee and for its final passage on the Assembly floor. We urge you and your family and friends to vote and re-elect Aura to the Assembly.

Save the East Coast is happy to announce the endorsement of Christian Barranco, a staunch supporter of the fight against offshore wind. Christian has voted no to the billion dollar bailout for Orsted and has recently signed a letter along with several other republican assemblymen and women demanding Governor Murphy provide transparency to all costs, tax credits etc related to the Orsted OSW project. Please help re-elect Christian on November 7 to stop the destruction and industrialization of our ocean.

Save the East Coast is proud to endorse Senator Joseph Pennacchio for NJ district LD-26. Jersey Joe has been involved in the NJ senate since 2008 and is currently the Deputy Republican Leader. He continues to be a strong advocate in opposing the offshore wind project, proposed for 9 miles off the coast of NJ. His record against offshore wind legislation includes:

NJ S3926: Voted against taking away home rule and granting it to the BPU.

NJ 4019: Voted against giving Orsted a billion dollars in tax credit intended for NJ ratepayers.

Introduced an amendment for a moratorium on wind surveys.

Senator Pennacchio continues to be a leader in our fight against offshore wind. Please make sure Jersey Joe gets re-elected by going out to VOTE on November 7th.

Chris is a veteran with two active duties in Iraq and also a retired Jersey City fireman. He is running because government is not listening to the people. He is against the industrialization of our oceans. He is running against Paul A. Sarlo, the architect of the billion dollars transfer from the people of New Jersey to Orsted, a wealthy foreign company owned by the Kingdom of Denmark. See how you can support Chris and his campaign to bring your voice back to Trenton!

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse senate candidate Deirdre G. Paul, LD37. In her written response to our questionnaire she clearly stated that she is against the green agenda which she considers a failure in delivering the jobs and energy for the country.

Paul is afraid that the wind industry is very similar to the solar panel industry and she brought the example of Solyndra that received 535 million from the government and then went bankrupt resulting in thousands of jobs lost and the loss of taxpayers money. Please help Deidre get elected she will be a great supported of our movement.

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse NJ LD-38 Candidates Micheline Attieh for Senate and Gail Horton and Barry Wilkes for Assembly. They all stand for common sense issues like parental rights and fiscal responsibility while opposing the limitless harms and costs of offshore wind industrialization threaten the state of NJ. All three are great candidates to represent the people of District 38. They are running because Trenton has been forcing their extremist ideologies on the people of LD-38 without any regards to what the people want or prefer. Please support these three candidates by donating your time or money and by voting on November 7. We expect them to bring a much needed change to our Legislature in Trenton.

Save The East Coast is proud to endorse a true anti-wind warrior in the legislature with a record to prove it – senate candidate Holly Schepisi from NJ LD-39 .

Holly voted against the federal tax incentives as well as the legislation Bill NJ S3926 which took away home rule. She supports a full halt of these projects. She has been extremely outspoken regarding the marine mammal strandings and deaths. She finds it incredulous that there is no scientific curiosity by those who claim to care for the environment to conduct a thorough study on this significant uptick in mammal deaths since commencement of these projects.

Schepisi is seriously concerned about the impact on tourism to the shore areas, as well as the commercial fishermen. She said that a 2 1/2 half year joint study between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance documented numerous impacts these projects will have on fish and marine mammals while altering the marine environment.

November 7 you have a chance to make a history by voting for our endorsed candidates. Vote for Holly Schepisi and ask your family and friends to vote as well. If the legislature flips so will these policies.

Save The East Coast is very happy to endorse senate candidate Kristin Corrado, and assembly candidates Chris DePhillips and Al Barlas from district LD-40. Here is their answer to the question about their position on offshore wind:

” Senator Corrado and Assemblyman DePhillips voted against the Orsted tax credit, and if elected, Al Barlas would also oppose any legislation to give taxpayer money to a private company for offshore wind. All three of us are vehemently opposed to the industrialization of our shore.The significant increase in marine mammal strandings and deaths along our beaches, since the onset of the offshore wind farm development can not be reasonably denied as being linked to the sonar mapping that been taking place. Any attempts to deny the connection between the two is simply intellectually dishonest.”

Please make sure you and your family vote for these three great supporters of our movement in LD-40! Let’s win this election.

John Catalano – Mayor

James Palmisano – Council

Theresa Gallagher – Council

Mary Jonas Buckley – Council

Rocco Palmieri – Council

Save The East Coast endorses TEAM CATALANO for the upcoming mayor and council elections in Brick. The entire team is committed to ending the industrialization of the ocean. Bricktown is a community which encompasses not one but two watersheds: Manasquan & Metedeconk Rivers.

It is vital to ensure the prosperity of the town by protecting the watersheds and ocean ecosystem while providing a balance between commerce and enjoyment. Their overall platform and commitment to the residents’ financial bottom-line and quiet enjoyment makes them the BEST choice to ensure Brick’s future success.

SAVE THE EAST COAST is extremely honored to be endorsing Mayor John A Peterson, who is seeking another term as Mayor of Seaside Park. 

Mayor Peterson, a long-time resident of Seaside Park, has sounded the alarm for years, and asked tough questions, hoping to protect the ocean and bay from the massive wind turbine projects off our New Jersey shores. He has also led a fifty Mayor bi-partisan coalition to enforce a moratorium, pending independent scientific research. His fight continues against the massive electrified cable installation project which has already begun on Island Beach State Park right off Seaside Park.

Mayor Peterson and his team, candidates for Town Council, Connor, Kraft and Rotonda, VOW to continue the fight against the Industrialization of our Atlantic Ocean.

Save the East Coast is pleased to endorse Councilwoman Caryn Byrnes. She is an avid spokesperson for the environment and stopping the industrialization of the ocean. Point Pleasant Beach is just one of many ports up and down the coast and worldwide targeted for the wind scam. She will continue to protect the residents interests in keeping “The Beach” the ideal seaside community it has alway been, and will continue to remain under her leadership and activism.