

Candidates endorsed by S.T.E.C. have been thoroughly vetted in accordance with our high standards and integrity towards the environment, community, and their civic minded approach towards leadership. All candidates oppose offshore wind, the industrialization of the ocean, and it’s associated degradation to nature and society.

Meet Our Candidates:

Paul is the current Mayor of Point Pleasant Beach. He has been one of the Most vocal advocates against offshore wind and the industrialization of the ocean for profit. Visit his website to learn more about him and how he will serve your needs in Trenton: Kanitra For Assembly

The son of immigrants and a first-generation American. After working his way up from next to nothing, raising a family, and making his way in the world, He’s decided to run for the State Senate here in Monmouth County’s 11th Legislative District (LD-11). Why? The answer to that question is pretty simple: to serve. Visit Steve’s Website to learn more and how you can support him! 

A candidate for the people – Pat stands for Principled, Accessible and Trustworthy Government. Learn more about Pat and how you can support here!

Neal Brings Fresh Perspective to New Jersey Politics: From Ohio to the Garden State: Learn more about Neal and How you can Support his Campaign!

Mike is well versed in politics serving in the past as a US Congressman, administrator for the Small Business Association, and working at the municipal level of government. Learn more about Mike and how you can support him!

Chris cut taxes as a Washington Township Councilman (2010-14) and served as a legislative aide for former Assemblyman Domenick DiCicco (R-Franklin). Visit Chris and his running mates’ website to learn more on how you can help.

HEY DISTRICT 15! Roger needs your help to fix your district, Trenton, and the rest of the state. Visit Roger’s website to see how YOU can promote change in government! Support Roger for Senate.

District 13 has already GOT a winning team in Trenton. With redistricting they still need your support to fix Trenton and end the Industrialization of the ocean. See How you can Support:

Vicky Flynn

Declan O’Scanlon

Gerry Scharfenberger

Mike is an unapologetic anti-wind, pro-gun, pro-taxpayer, conservative Republican who will stand up against Governor Murphy’s and the Democrats’ increasingly radical agenda in Trenton. Show Mike and his team that he can count on your support today!

Simonsen & McClellan bring their experience as incumbents. They will continue to fight for you to reduce taxes, Spending & Mounting Debt, Rebuild and Revitalize our Small Businesses & Stand with Law Enforcement. And of course their staunch stance against offshore wind gets them STEC approval. Find out what else these two assemblymen have planned in Trenton and how you can support them!

Senate 2019-present, Republican Leader, 2023-present, Republican Whip 2022-2023

General Assembly 2010-2019, Conference Leader 2017-2019, Republican Whip 2016-2017, Deputy Republican Leader 2012-2016

See How You Can Support Senator Bucco!

If you are looking for genuine representation in Trenton then Ramon is your candidate! Have your voice heard again! Give Ramon your support this election!

Chris is a veteran with two active duties in Iraq and also a retired Jersey City fireman. He is running because government is not listening to the people. He is against the industrialization of our oceans. He is running against Paul A. Sarlo, the architect of the billion dollars transfer from the people of New Jersey to Orsted, a wealthy foreign company owned by the Kingdom of Denmark. See how you can support Chris and his campaign to bring your voice back to Trenton!