Save The East Coast Endorses LD – 9 Full Slate of Candidates

Save the East Coast is happy to endorse the entire slate of candidates from NJ LD-9 senate candidate Carmen Amato assembly candidates Brian Rumpf and Greg Myhre.

Carmen Amato served many years as Berkeley Township mayor and has a successful career that beloved by his constituents. He has a great record of achievements for his township. He has been anti-wind very early and one of the signatories of the 30 mayors letter requesting a moratorium of off shore wind work. He has promised to work against the industrialization of our oceans.

Representing LD-9, Assemblyman Rumpf has opposed key legislation enabling offshore wind industrialization. Most recently he voted against the bailout bill that reallocated tax credits from NJ ratepayers to Orsted, the foreign energy giant.

Myhre has served as Stafford Township Mayor since 2019. He has been a vocal opponent of the industrialization of our coastline and has actively demonstrated in grass roots efforts to halt the proposed projects.

Save the East Coast looks forward to working with these LD-9 a candidates in the ongoing fight against reckless proposals to industrialize our oceans and harm our coastal communities and marine life.